21 thoughts on “A poet (Epigram #2)

  1. You know, I really like the fact that you’re posting poems more often and that too beautiful poems! This epigram’s also gorgeous, just like the last one ❤
    And seriously your poems are to die for 😘😍

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    1. You’re right! I’m happy to know that my friend loved it…Sometimes i wonder how difficult is it for you to comment on each of my posts, avoiding repitition! Love to you too💖


  2. Very well written Apeksha…It was great to know about your interview…Keep writing… keep flying…keep mesmerizing us with your poems…

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      1. Please don’t misunderstand me.Is it possible for a 14 year old to write a good romantic poem?i mean even though i only write simple poems in 2 or 3 lines, i was bit surprised when i tried i could write love poems,i am 30,single and no experience at all in this matter,but may be genetically it is in build in us,so at least secretly every poet who writes love poems will have an experience right?

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